Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Time for a new Chandelier...


I decided it was time for a different chandelier above my kitchen table. Here is the vintage black one that I did have.
It was ok, I had bought it about 2 years ago on a trip to First Monday Trade Days in Canton. I am slowly changing my kitchen to everthing Shabby chic. The reason it is sooo slow,
is because of all the Christmas stuff I keep collecting! The kitchen table is always full! It makes everything look so cluttered! I will clean it off, start working on the kitchen,  recover a chair or paint a piece of furniture and fill up the table again! No matter how hard I try...I cant keep the darn thing Clean! Then, before I know it, I am putting stuff here, there and on the cabinets! I finally cleaned out an extra bedroom in my house and I am trying to store ALL the Christmas stuff in there! Did I mention...I Love Christmas?
Ha. Anyway, I have had this older crystal chandelier for awhile, my dad brought it by for me and I just had never used it. I decided to give it a "face lift" before going up. Of course I forgot to take the before pics. It was just the usual brass. Anyway, I took off all the crystals and gave them a wash.
Spray painted the whole thing...including the chain white. Purchased a ceiling medallion from Lowes. Painted it too.

And here is how it turned out...Ta da!

I cant believe how much I like it! It was right under my nose the whole time!

Linking up with: My Romantic Home

A stroll Thru Life